Limiting or Granting User Access

User access can be limited or granted by outlining which forms, reports and bulletins a user can see within the system.

Bekah K. avatar
Written by Bekah K.
Updated over a week ago

Limiting or Granting User Access

User access can be limited or granted by outlining which forms, reports and bulletins a user can see within the system.

Limiting or granting access is a two step process. First you will create a program and second you will create a permission set.

If your organization has made the decision to use Sites, you will have a third level of organization. To learn about sites, click here.

What is a Program?

In Apricot, programs are collections of users within each site. The programs in your Apricot can mirror the programs or departments in your organization, each with their own staff members and data - a program for counselors, a different program for interns, a different program for volunteers, etc. Each program can have their access to Apricot forms, reports and bulletins limited to only the kind of data they need to see on a regular basis.

What is a Permission Set?

Once you have created a program, you will add a permission set to that program. Every program should have at least one permission set.

Each permission set will govern which specific forms, reports and bulletins the users of each program will be able to access.

Create a New Program

  1. Open the Administrator tab

  2. Click the "Access Control" drop-down

  3. Choose "Sites & Programs"

  4. Click "New +"

If your organization has Multi-Site functionality, you'll see be directed to this screen which allows you to choose to create a New Site or New Program.
To create a new program, choose the option "New Program" on the right.

When creating a new program, you'll be able to complete up to 4 sections of data:

  • Program Details - set the program name, add an optional description, and select which site the program will live under. If your organization does not have multiple sites, you will have one site titled "Default." This is where your programs will live.

  • Program Location - optional section to set the program's physical location using an address which includes a Google Maps address look-up field

  • Program Contact - optional section to assign contact information for a program's point of contact, such as a program manager

  • Program Referrals - if your organization has the referrals premium feature, you can designate whether a program sends and/or receives referrals here. You can also assign an email address to receive notifications of incoming referrals to this program

NOTE: Make sure to hit "Save Program" at the bottom of your window once you've completed entering the program information; otherwise, this data will be lost when you navigate away from this page.

Create a New Permission Set

In order to create a new permission set, you'll first need to either create a new program or navigate to one of your existing programs to edit it. In the below example, an existing program is being edited.

To edit a program, you can follow these steps:

  1. Click on the Administrator tab

  2. Under the category "Access Control," choose the option "Sites & Programs"

  3. Choose the site that contains your desired program (every organization has at least one site which is named "Default")

  4. On the right side of the desired program, click on the eye to view/edit the program details

Once in the Program profile, you can locate this Permission Sets section (pictured above) where you can either edit an existing permission set or create a new permission set

  1. Name your permission set. Each permission set will outline very specific kinds of access. A program may need to have more than one permission set

  2. Under Assigned Users, select "Add." This is where you will find and add the users who will be governed by the specific permission set you are creating

  3. Select the user or users you would like to add to this permission set

  4. Close the pop up window

  5. Save your record

Adding Form Permissions

Scroll down to the section called "Permissions."

1. Across the top, you will see tabs for forms, reports, bulletins and shared files. If not already selected, click on forms. This will allow you to grant access to specific forms.

2. On the left hand side of the grid, you will see a list of all the forms that exist in your Apricot. The indented forms titles are Tier 2 forms.

3. Across the top of the grid, you will see different kinds of access.

- View Record. Users can see data that has been entered on any of the records of this form.

- Search Record. Users can search for any of the records of this form.

- Create Record. Users can create new records of this form.

- Edit Record. Users can make changes to data entered on records of this form.

- Archive Record. Users can archive or delete records from the system.

- Ignore Program Assignment. Indicates that the form is not program specific. If checked, users in this permission set will have access to all records of this form regardless of program.

- Apply User RLA Users may only access records that have been created by or assigned to themselves.

- Create/Edit Forms Users have access to design features and may edit this form. This will only apply to users who also have the role to edit forms.

Adding Report Permissions

  1. Across the top, select reports. This will allow you to grant access to specific reports.

2. On the left hand side, you will see a list of all report categories and reports that exist in your Apricot. Each one can be clicked to reveal the reports within.

3. On the right hand side, you will see view and edit permissions.

If you expand the black arrow next to a report category, it will show all the reports that exist in that category.

Granting access to view or edit a report category will automatically grant access to all the reports in that category.

Adding Bulletin Permissions

  1. Across the top, select bulletins. This will allow you to grant access to specific bulletins.

  2. On the left hand side, you will see a list of all the bulletins that exist in your Apricot.

  3. You can grant view access to any of these bulletins.TIP: If you wish to allow access to a Report Bulletin (a Bulletin which contains a report's results) you must give the user access to the report as well as the bulletin.

Adding Shared Files Permissions

1. Across the top, select shared files. This will allow you to give access to specific shared files that have been uploaded to your Apricot.

2. On the left hand side, you will see a list of any shared files that have already been uploaded to your Apricot.

3. On the right hand side, you can grant view access. This will also grant access to download the shared files.

Scroll back to the top of the page and select Save Record.

Deactivate a Program

To edit a program:

  1. Click on the Administrator tab

  2. Under "Access Control," click on "Sites & Programs"

  3. Click the name of your desired site which contains the program to be edited (your organization may only have "Default" if sites are not being used.

  4. Click the eye on the right side of the row for the program you're attempting to edit/deactivate

  1. Once you've scrolled down to the "Program Status" pane, you can click "Update" to make the field editable

  2. Select "Inactive"

  3. Click "Save"

Delete an Existing Permission Set

From an exiting program, you can find the Permission Sets pane either on the right or at the bottom of your list (if your browser is too narrow to place it on the right).

On the right-hand side of each Permission Set, there is an eye. This is the button to edit this permission set.

Once you've entered the Permission Set record, you can archive it using the "Archive Record" button in the "Record Options" pane.

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