Group Filters

Using a group filter can help you pinpoint very specific data in a very large data set.

Taylor Roderick avatar
Written by Taylor Roderick
Updated over a week ago

What a Group Filter Does

Here is a report that has been "grouped" by first name. This report shows:

  1. All the kids who have been served by the Breakfast Program, and

  2. How many times each of them have been served.

A group filter would be useful if we wanted to see all the kids who have been served more than one time by the Breakfast Program.

With a small data set like this, it is easy to see who has a row count of more than 1 Breakfast Program service. However, if we had a data set of thousands of kids, most of whom had only been seen 1 time, it would be a lot of work to go through the rows and identify just those who had been seen more than once. This is when a group filter is useful.


Now we have added a group filter looking for students who have more than 1 Breakfast Program records.

Everyone who has a row count of more than 1 is included; everyone else has been filtered out or removed from our report.


Adding a Group Filter

Group filters are only available when you have grouped by at least one column in a report section. To learn more about grouping please see the Grouping in Reports article.

  1. Add grouping to a column.

  2. "Group Filters" will appear as an option.


  1. Click the plus "+" sign to the right of "Group Filters."

  2. Adjust your filter as necessary.

  3. Add options if needed.

  4. Click "Apply."

Group Filters and Summaries

Another advantage of using group filters is that you can filter on summaries. Summaries are the options chosen for a column that can total columns, give you an average, or even show the latest date.

To apply a summary:

  1. Click the gear for the column

  2. Choose the type of summary (these options will be different depending on the data within the column)

  3. Choose Apply

In the example above you can see in this report that we have a "Client Full Name" column. This is a Special Column, Text Calc, which is combining the First and Last name of our Clients. After grouping by our full name Text Calc column and applying a summary to the "Amount Donated" column to calculate an average, we are then also given a new option for our group filter criteria. This allows us to narrow down our results to those clients who have hit (or have not yet hit, depending on your reporting needs) a certain "Average Amount Donated" value.

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