Accepting a Referral
Taylor Roderick avatar
Written by Taylor Roderick
Updated over a week ago

Accepting pending participants that have been referred to your program allows you to add them without needing to input their information again. When you accept, reject, or redirect the referral, ETO automatically updates the View/Edit Referral record of the participant in their referring program .

  1. On the navigation bar, select Referrals.

  2. Select View Pending Referrals.

  3. Locate the participant you are working with.

  4. Change the projected program start date if you would like the participant to start in your program on a date different from the one provided.

  5. Take an action on the referral from the Actions column: Accept, Reject, or Redirect.

  6. The participant record will then be updated according to your selection.ย 

For more information on accepting referrals, click here.
Please contact customer support if you need more information or additional assistance.

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