Merge Duplicated Site Participants
Taylor Roderick avatar
Written by Taylor Roderick
Updated over a week ago

Occasionally, users will enter new participant records that will duplicate data which already exists in ETO. If this happens, ETO provides multiple tools to rectify the situation and associate the data correctly. You will need to configure your organization's Duplicate Check Settings prior to following these steps. The default role for both Duplicated Participants and Merge participants is Site Manager. 

To merge duplicated participant records within the same site:

  1. Find the link to Merge Duplicates under Site Administration on the navigation bar.

  2. Find the participants you would like to merge, and check the boxes next to their rows.

  3. Click on Merge Selected Records or Continue... at the bottom of the page.

  4. Choose a Master record into which you will merge the data from both records by selecting the bubble next to the correct record.  This will migrate all associated data with the exception of demographics, which will use the recorded values from the Master record.

  5. Click on the Continue... button and ETO will merge the participants.

If you cannot find the correct participants in either of these features, you will need to check your Duplicate Check Settings.  The participants might also exist in separate sites on your enterprise, which have separate instructions to merge.  

Click here for more information about Merge Duplicates.

Please contact customer support if you need more information or additional assistance.

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