Recording a Collection TouchPoint
Bekah K. avatar
Written by Bekah K.
Updated over a week ago

A TouchPoint set up for collections is ideal for groups of subjects (participants or entities) who meet on a regular basis over time. These groups have the same people in them over-and-over again.

To Record a TouchPoint for a Collection:

  1. Click TouchPoints on the navigation bar.

  2. Select Record TouchPoint.

  3. In the drop-down menu, choose the TouchPoint you wish to record.

  4. A drop-down will appear below where you will select the collection type you are recording for.

  5. Check the box next to the collection you wish to record the TouchPoint for.

  6. Click Continue.

  7. Be sure to record the date at the top of the TouchPoint.

  8. To the left of the TouchPoint, you will see a list of the collection members. By default, the "All" tab will be selected. 

  • To speed up data entry, you can enter information that applies to all the collection members.

  • It is is expected that this tab will appear blank when you return to it; the information you recorded here will still appear on the individual tabs.

9. Select each tab individually to record subject specific information for each one.

10. Once you have completed the TouchPoint, click Save or Save as Draft to complete it later.

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